5 things you should expect after giving birth

Having a baby or babies is every woman's dream unless you don't see value in being a mum. It is the most painful thing a woman undergoes - the delivery. However, the pain is what adds value to being a woman.

Below are some of the things you should expect after giving birth either through the normal way or through Caesarian Section (CS).

1. Cramps

One may think that after delivery there will be no pains at all. However, it is after delivery that you will experience the worst cramps ever because the uterus is shrinking back to its normal size causing a lot of abdominal pain.

2. Heavy flow

It is after delivery whether normal or CS that you experience heavy menses that may last for up to a month or more. This may be accompanied by huge clots that can appear scary to you. You don't need to get scared since it is normal.

3. Emotional gang up

Most women experience much emotions after giving birth especially when the baby cries for no reason. This condition should not however, be taken lightly should it become too serious, a condition called postpertum depression. You are advised to see your doctor.

4. Stitching

Most women experience swelling and stitching down there in cases of normal delivery. This is normally experienced when there were tears during the delivery. This may make peeing a big problem.

5. Hair fallout

Due to hormonal imbalances during pregnancy and during giving birth in some women, hair fallout might be experienced. In some cases it happens during pregnancy. Women should however, know that this is temporary and the hair will grow back.


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