Top 10 Strange Animals You Have Never Seen Before

Our world is a peculiar place. Humanity has been around for millennia, and yet we still know so little about what surrounds us. What we do know, however, is that there are lots of weird animals in the world, who look so strange that even the scientists are stumped. Today, we will tell you about ten especially odd animals and their homes. Join us on this exciting adventure!

We wanted to start off our list with this truly bizarre creature. The batfish perpetually looks like it is wearing bold lipstick, and we are here for it. Even though it is technically a fish, it is actually a very poor swimmer. Instead of swimming, it uses its fins to ‘walk’ on the sea bottom.

What is also fascinating is that even though the brightly coloured lips are this fish’s signature trait, scientists have no idea why they look like that. Unlike other animals with distinct features, this one does not seem to be using it to its advantage.

Now, you might be thinking that Red-lipped and Rosy-lipped batfish are the same fish, when, in fact, these are two different species. Red-lipped batfish (Ogcocephalus darwini) lives off Peru and around the Galapagos Islands at 3-76 metres below sea level. Rosy-Lipped Batfish, on the other hand, lives near the shore of Costa Rica, close to the Cocos Island at 35-150 metres.

Here we have another sea creature that, despite looking very unusual, stuns with its visage. Often regarded as Blue Dragon for its unique shape and colour, it usually does not grow bigger than 8 centimetres. Unlike our previous pick, which is a bottom dweller, this one prefers to float on the surface.

You can find these tiny slugs in the tropical waters around the coast of South Africa, the east side of Australia and even in European waters. Now, if your first instinct was ‘where can I get one of these for myself?’, you better hold your horses, as Blue Dragon has a very specific diet of hydrozoans that you cannot get at your local pet shop. So feast your eyes from afar.


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